Visit to Oastbrook vineyard in Sussex, UK

When you’ve seen one vineyard you’ve seen them all! Well in part that’s true but have you seen a vineyard that’s only a few years old?

Oastbrook vineyard in Sussex, UK has not long been planted. Their grapes have yet to be made into wine as they are to young but they have started to make wine with grapes from near by vineyards. Since I tasted their excellent Pinot Gris I’ve wanted to see the place. Also theres probably not another vineyard that has a hobbit house to stay in. Yep a full grown hobbit house, doesn’t sound right but it looks gorgeous.

Visit to Oastbrook vineyard in Sussex, UK, hobbit house

The Hobbit house at Oastbrook vineyard

The vineyard is run by Nick and his wife America, she’s from Brazil so hence the name. America studied at Plumpton outside Brighton and is a hands on owner either doing the work or over seeing the work. Her attention to detail is the key to their success so far, that and she’s a thoroughly nice person. Our 2 hour tour and tasting lasted 4 hours and we only left as we were staying with friends in Kent that night and they had dinner ready.

America from Oastbrook and my wife

America from Oastbrook and my wife

America went though the history of the area, how the vineyard started, the problems and mistakes that were made. She was honest, it’s no bed of roses starting a vineyard.

The rose sparkling was very good, dry, clean with subtle red fruit, raspberry and currant sitting in the background with brioche notes pointing to the 36 months it’s taken to mature using the Champagne method.

Oastbrook rose sparkling with local cheeses

Oastbrook rose sparkling with local cheeses

Next we tried the Pinot Gris. Still heaven. Best to see my previous review. The local cheeses and chuckney were very good, going well with the rose sparkling and Pinot Gris. It’s a shame we had to leave.

When the new winery and tasting building is complete next year this will be the premium vineyard in Sussex to visit. Hire out the Hobbit house and you don’t have far to go to bed.

The vines at Oastbrook

The vines at Oastbrook