Burnt Foot and Lavenham Brook Pinot Noir 2017

  • Burnt Foot and Lavenham Brook Pinot Noir 2017 are both from Suffolk. English Pinot Noir is not usually outstanding and this is the same with these two. That said they are good with aromas and flavours of strawberry and redcurrant. I tried the Pinot Noir from Bolney vineyard last week which was like raspberry squash, thin and watery and very overpriced at £20 a bottle. These are in in a completely different league. At about £13 a bottle they can’t compete with Provence’s or Australian rose’s but these are good solid, won’t let you down English rose wine.
Burnt foot and Lavenham Brook Pinot Noir 2017

Burnt Foot and Lavenham Brook Pinot Noir 2017

Chet & Waveney Schonberger rose 2017

The Chet & Waveney Schonberger rose wine not  made from a typical grape. Schonberger is widely planted in Germany but you don’t see it much in the UK. This is a dry, light, refreshing rose with subtle flavours of wild strawberry, an easy drinking summer wine along the lines of that from Provence. £12 a bottle is what you pay for english rose. Probably not an everyday drinking wine given the price but it does show that english rose can match Provence.

Chet and Waveney Schonberger rose 2017

Chet and Waveney Schonberger rose 2017

Toppesfield Bacchus and Rose

Well I had a real treat this weekend trying the Toppesfield Bacchus and Rose 2017 and also the 2016 Rose wine as a comparison. I’ve blog about the Bacchus before and it’s a real favourite of mine.

So the Bacchus first, clean fresh and said to be the english Sauvignon Blanc. It is closer to the french Sauvignon Blanc than the gooseberry fueled New Zealand one. There are flavours of grass, elderflower and hints of gooseberry. Its only 10.5% so great for a summer day. This is a fantastic example of a quality english white wine.

The Rose wine is very good. The 2016 has wild strawberries on the taste with a clean refreshing finish, the 2017 vintage is lighter than the 2016 one but still has the same flavour of strawberries and very easy to drink. 1 bottle or 2 would be the first question! Drinking these 3 wines side by side really helps to highlight the subtle flavours.

At £13 a bottle it’s not the cheapest but this is quality english wine and available at the Co-Op around East Anglia, UK.

Toppesfield Bacchus and Rose 2017-18

Toppesfield Bacchus and Rose 2017-18

New Hall “Pale Rose” Zweigeltrebe 2018

New Hall vineyard just outside Colchester, Essex, UK. produce some excellent wines. This is the New Hall “Pale Rose” made from the Zweigeltrebe grape. Its very light in colour with floral aromas and a light strawberry flavour, subtle and refreshing. This grape is grown in Austria and parts of eastern european, I hope more is planted in the UK as this will go down well in the summer. At about £10 a bottle is reasonable value.

New Hall "Pale Rose" Zweigeltrebe 2018

New Hall “Pale Rose” Zweigeltrebe 2018